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Showing posts with label Perencanaan Pemasaran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perencanaan Pemasaran. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2011

Membuat Rencana Pemasaran

Rencana Pemasaran adalah ibarat sebuah peta jalan. rencana pemasaran Anda menguraikan tindakan spesifik yang akan Anda ambil untuk pasar produk atau layanan pelanggan potensial. Tindakan ini bekerja untuk mengajak para pelanggan potensial untuk membeli produk atau jasa yang anda miliki.

Membuat rencana pemasaran tidak perlu panjang dan tidak perlu biaya banyak untuk menyelesaikannya. Rencana Pemasaran dapat menjadi bagian dari rencana bisnis Anda secara keseluruhan . Jika Anda menganggapnya sebagai �peta jalan� Anda yang akan memberikan petunjuk rinci tentang cara untuk mencapai tujuan pemasaran Anda.

Dalam membuat rencana pemasaran sangat penting untuk melakukan penelitian sebelum memutuskan rencana pemasaran yang akan dilaksanakan. Sebuah rencana pemasaran yang menyeluruh dan detail tenntang apa yang ingin Anda capai akan membantu dalam mencapai tujuan Anda.

Sebuah rencana pemasaran akan mencapai tujuan sebagai berikut:
* Memungkinkan perusahaan untuk melihat secara internal dalam rangka untuk memahami dampak dan hasil keputusan pemasaran masa lalu.
* Melengkapi perusahaan untuk melihat eksternal dalam rangka untuk memahami pasar bahwa target dan kompetisi di ruang tersebut.
* Menetapkan tujuan masa depan dan memberikan arahan untuk inisiatif pemasaran mendatang.

Cakupan yang ada pada Rencana Pemasaran

1. Ringkasan dan Pendahuluan
Ringkasan dan pengenalan adalah gambaran singkat dari pokok-pokok rencana. Ini harus menjadi sinopsis dari apa yang Anda lakukan, apa yang Anda rencanakan untuk lakukan, dan bagaimana Anda akan ke sana.

2. Tujuan Pemasaran
Bagian ini akan mendefinisikan tujuan pemasaran Anda. Tujuan ini harus didasarkan pada pemahaman Anda kekuatan dan kelemahan, dan lingkungan bisnis di mana Anda beroperasi masuk Mereka juga harus dikaitkan dengan strategi bisnis Anda secara keseluruhan. Ini tidak biasa dan sering bermanfaat untuk fokus pada segmen sasaran spesifik yang Anda akan pemasaran.

3. Analisis Situasi
rincian analisis situasi Anda konteks untuk upaya pemasaran Anda. Dalam bagian ini anda akan melihat dari dekat faktor internal dan eksternal yang akan mempengaruhi strategi pemasaran Anda, ini disebut analisis SWOT. Analisis SWOT menggabungkan analisis eksternal dan internal untuk meringkas Anda Kekuatan, Kelemahan, Peluang dan Ancaman.

4.Target Pasar
Konsep pasar target adalah salah satu yang paling dasar, namun aspek yang paling penting dari pemasaran. Tidak ada hal seperti �satu pesan� cocok untuk semua pesan pemasaran. Tidak realistis untuk berpikir bahwa Anda dapat menarik semua orang. Menentukan target pasar atau segmentasi pasar Anda membantu Anda menentukan tempat untuk mengikat sumber daya dan apa jenis metode promosi dan pesan untuk digunakan.

Strategi adalah langkah-langkah tindakan yang detail bagaimana variabel pemasaran produk, tempat harga, dan promosi digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan rencana dan strategi pemasaran secara keseluruhan.

6.Pelacakan dan Evaluasi
Bagian dari rencana Anda harus mencakup rencana dan prosedur untuk menelusuri setiap jenis kegiatan pemasaran yang Anda gunakan. Pelacakan membantu memantau efektivitas setiap kegiatan pemasaran dan terutama membantu dengan evaluasi program secara keseluruhan. Jika Anda tidak melacak Anda tidak pemasaran.(Galeriukm).

Sumber :

Monday, April 25, 2011

Memahami Pentingnya Rencana Pemasaran (Marketing Plan)

Perusahaan-perusahaan yang sukses dalam pemasaran selalu dimulai dengan rencana pemasaran. Perusahaan-perusahaan besar memiliki rencana pemasaran hingga ratusan halaman; sedangkan perusahaan kecil dapat bertahan dengan hanya setengah lusin lembaran. Masukkan rencana pemasaran Anda dalam tiga-ring binder. lakukan review paling tidak tiga bulanan, tetapi lebih baik lagi bila dilakukan bulanan. Buat tab untuk menandai dalam laporan bulanan penjualan / manufaktur, hal ini memungkinkan untuk melacak kinerja realisasi dari rencana pemasaran yang telah anda buat.

Rencana pemasaran harus mencakup setidaknya assatu tahun. Untuk perusahaan kecil, ini adalah cara terbaik untuk memikirkan aspek pemasaran secara lengkap. karena banyak hal-hal yang berubah yang harus diantisipasi dengan rencana pemasaran; karyawan datang dan pergi, pasar tidak menentu, pelanggan datang dan pergi. Disarankan untuk membuat juga beberapa bagian dari rencana pemasaran anda yang membahas masa depan perusahaan dalam jangka menengah - dua sampai empat tahun. Namun sebagian besar rencana Anda harus fokus pada satu tahun mendatang.

Anda harus memberikan waktu yang cukup untuk menulis rencana pemasaran tersebut, bahkan jika itu hanya beberapa halaman. Mengembangkan rencana pemasaran adalah aspek pemasaran yang paling berat. Sementara melaksanakan rencana pemasaran memiliki tantangan tersendiri, memutuskan apa yang harus dilakukan dan bagaimana melakukannya adalah tantangan pemasaran terbesar. Kebanyakan rencana pemasaran mulai direalisasikan pada tahun pertama usaha.

Siapa yang harus melihat dan memahami rencana pemasaran Anda? Semua pemain dalam perusahaan. tetapi banyak juga Perusahaan yang membuat rencana pemasaran menjadi sangat sangat rahasia/tertutup untuk satu dari dua alasan yang sangat berbeda: Entah karena mereka terlalu minim dan manajemen akan menjadi malu untuk membukanya kepada publik atau rencana pemasaran itu terlalu kompleks dan sarat dengan informasi penting. . . yang akan membuat rencana pemasaran itu menjadi sangat berharga dalam persaingan usaha.

Anda tidak dapat melakukan rencana pemasaran tanpa banyak orang yang terlibat. Tidak peduli apa ukuran perusahaan anda, dapatkan umpan balik dari semua bagian dari perusahaan Anda: keuangan, manufaktur, personil, suplai dan seterusnya - selain pemasaran itu sendiri. Hal ini sangat penting karena rencana pemasaran anda akan melibatkan semua aspek yang ada dalam perusahaan. Personil kunci dari perusahaan Anda dapat memberikan masukan yang realistis pada apa yang dapat dicapai dan bagaimana tujuan perusahaan dapat tercapai, dan mereka bisa berbagi wawasan mereka terhadap apapun, peluang pemasaran yang potensial yang belum banyak direalisasi, akan menambahkan dimensi lain dalam rencana pemasaran anda.

Apa hubungan antara rencana pemasaran dan rencana bisnis Anda ? Rencana bisnis Anda menjelaskan tentang - apa yang Anda lakukan dan tidak lakukan, dan apa tujuan akhir Anda. Ini meliputi lebih dari pemasaran, melainkan dapat mencakup diskusi lokasi, kepegawaian, pembiayaan, aliansi strategis dan sebagainya. Ini mencakup "hal visi," kata ajaib yang menguraikan tujuan utama perusahaan Anda. Jika Anda ingin melakukan sesuatu yang di luar rencana bisnis, sebaiknya anda mengubah pemikiran anda atau rubah total semua rencana bisnis anda. rencana bisnis perusahaan Anda memberikan tempat di mana rencana pemasaran Anda harus berkembang. Kedua dokumen perencanaan ini harus konsisten dan bersinergi.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Marketing Plan is The Key to Marketing

Running a successful business is not like a field of dreams; you can build it but they might not come. Marketing is all about leting people know about the product or service you offer, and persuading them to buy or use it. And for effective marketing you have to let people know about your product or service repeatedly.

To do this, you're going to have to come up with both a marketing strategy and a marketing plan.

What's the difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan?

The marketing strategy is shaped by your overall business goals. It includes a definition of your business, a description of your products or services, a profile of your target users or clients, and defines your company's role in relationship to the competition. The marketing strategy is essentially a document that you use to judge the appropriateness and effectiveness of your specific marketing plans. The CCH Business Owner's Guidebook has an excellent explanation and checklist that you can use to work through your marketing strategy.

To put it another way, your marketing strategy is a summary of your company's products and position in relation to the competition; your sales and marketing plans are the specific actions you're going to undertake to achieve the goals of your marketing strategy.

The marketing plan, then, can be thought of as the practical application of your marketing strategy. If you look at my article, "Writing The Marketing Plan", you'll see that the marketing plan includes details about your business' unique selling proposition, pricing strategy, the sales and distribution plan and your plans for advertising and promotions.

So in effect, you can't have a marketing plan without a marketing strategy. But a marketing plan without a marketing strategy is a waste of time. The marketing strategy provides the goals for your marketing plans. It tells you where you want to go from here. The marketing plan is the specific roadmap that's going to get you there.

Continue on to the next page to learn how to start developing a marketing plan to put your marketing strategy into action.

Sumber : http://sbinfocanada

Monday, March 14, 2011

About Marketing Plan

The information for this article was derived from many sources, including Michael Porter's book Competitive Advantage and the works of Philip Kotler. Concepts addressed include 'generic' strategies and strategies for pricing, distribution, promotion, advertising and market segmentation. Factors such as market penetration, market share, profit margins, budgets, financial analysis, capital investment, government actions, demographic changes, emerging technology and cultural trends are also addressed.

There are two major components to your marketing strategy:

* how your enterprise will address the competitive marketplace
* how you will implement and support your day to day operations.

In today's very competitive marketplace a strategy that insures a consistent approach to offering your product or service in a way that will outsell the competition is critical. However, in concert with defining the marketing strategy you must also have a well defined methodology for the day to day process of implementing it. It is of little value to have a strategy if you lack either the resources or the expertise to implement it.

In the process of creating a marketing strategy you must consider many factors. Of those many factors, some are more important than others. Because each strategy must address some unique considerations, it is not reasonable to identify 'every' important factor at a generic level. However, many are common to all marketing strategies. Some of the more critical are described below.

You begin the creation of your strategy by deciding what the overall objective of your enterprise should be. In general this falls into one of four categories:

* If the market is very attractive and your enterprise is one of the strongest in the industry you will want to invest your best resources in support of your offering.
* If the market is very attractive but your enterprise is one of the weaker ones in the industry you must concentrate on strengthening the enterprise, using your offering as a stepping stone toward this objective.
* If the market is not especially attractive, but your enterprise is one of the strongest in the industry then an effective marketing and sales effort for your offering will be good for generating near term profits.
* If the market is not especially attractive and your enterprise is one of the weaker ones in the industry you should promote this offering only if it supports a more profitable part of your business (for instance, if this segment completes a product line range) or if it absorbs some of the overhead costs of a more profitable segment. Otherwise, you should determine the most cost effective way to divest your enterprise of this offering.

Having selected the direction most beneficial for the overall interests of the enterprise, the next step is to choose a strategy for the offering that will be most effective in the market. This means choosing one of the following 'generic' strategies (first described by Michael Porter in his work, Competitive Advantage).

* A COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGY is based on the concept that you can produce and market a good quality product or service at a lower cost than your competitors. These low costs should translate to profit margins that are higher than the industry average. Some of the conditions that should exist to support a cost leadership strategy include an on-going availability of operating capital, good process engineering skills, close management of labor, products designed for ease of manufacturing and low cost distribution.
* A DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGY is one of creating a product or service that is perceived as being unique "throughout the industry". The emphasis can be on brand image, proprietary technology, special features, superior service, a strong distributor network or other aspects that might be specific to your industry. This uniqueness should also translate to profit margins that are higher than the industry average. In addition, some of the conditions that should exist to support a differentiation strategy include strong marketing abilities, effective product engineering, creative personnel, the ability to perform basic research and a good reputation.
* A FOCUS STRATEGY may be the most sophisticated of the generic strategies, in that it is a more 'intense' form of either the cost leadership or differentiation strategy. It is designed to address a "focused" segment of the marketplace, product form or cost management process and is usually employed when it isn't appropriate to attempt an 'across the board' application of cost leadership or differentiation. It is based on the concept of serving a particular target in such an exceptional manner, that others cannot compete. Usually this means addressing a substantially smaller market segment than others in the industry, but because of minimal competition, profit margins can be very high.

Having defined the overall offering objective and selecting the generic strategy you must then decide on a variety of closely related operational strategies. One of these is how you will price the offering. A pricing strategy is mostly influenced by your requirement for net income and your objectives for long term market control. There are three basic strategies you can consider.

If your offering has enough differentiation to justify a high price and you desire quick cash and have minimal desires for significant market penetration and control, then you set your prices very high.
If near term income is not so critical and rapid market penetration for eventual market control is desired, then you set your prices very low.
If you are not the market leader in your industry then the leaders will most likely have created a 'price expectation' in the minds of the marketplace. In this case you can price your offering comparably to those of your competitors.

To sell an offering you must effectively promote and advertise it. There are two basic promotion strategies, PUSH and PULL.

* The PUSH STRATEGY maximizes the use of all available channels of distribution to "push" the offering into the marketplace. This usually requires generous discounts to achieve the objective of giving the channels incentive to promote the offering, thus minimizing your need for advertising.
* The PULL STRATEGY requires direct interface with the end user of the offering. Use of channels of distribution is minimized during the first stages of promotion and a major commitment to advertising is required. The objective is to "pull" the prospects into the various channel outlets creating a demand the channels cannot ignore.

There are many strategies for advertising an offering. Some of these include:

* Product Comparison advertising
In a market where your offering is one of several providing similar capabilities, if your offering stacks up well when comparing features then a product comparison ad can be beneficial.
* Product Benefits advertising
When you want to promote your offering without comparison to competitors, the product benefits ad is the correct approach. This is especially beneficial when you have introduced a new approach to solving a user need and comparison to the old approaches is inappropriate.
* Product Family advertising
If your offering is part of a group or family of offerings that can be of benefit to the customer as a set, then the product family ad can be of benefit.
* Corporate advertising
When you have a variety of offerings and your audience is fairly broad, it is often beneficial to promote your enterprise identity rather than a specific offering.

You must also select the distribution method(s) you will use to get the offering into the hands of the customer. These include:

* On-premise Sales involves the sale of your offering using a field sales organization that visits the prospect's facilities to make the sale.
* Direct Sales involves the sale of your offering using a direct, in-house sales organization that does all selling through the Internet, telephone or mail order contact.
* Wholesale Sales involves the sale of your offering using intermediaries or "middle-men" to distribute your product or service to the retailers.
* Self-service Retail Sales involves the sale of your offering using self service retail methods of distribution.
* Full-service Retail Sales involves the sale of your offering through a full service retail distribution channel.

Of course, making a decision about pricing, promotion and distribution is heavily influenced by some key factors in the industry and marketplace. These factors should be analyzed initially to create the strategy and then regularly monitored for changes. If any of them change substantially the strategy should be reevaluated.

The Environment
Environmental factors positively or negatively impact the industry and the market growth potential of your product/service. Factors to consider include:

* Government actions - Government actions (current or under consideration) can support or detract from your strategy. Consider subsidies, safety, efficacy and operational regulations, licensing requirements, materials access restrictions and price controls.
* Demographic changes - Anticipated demographic changes may support or negatively impact the growth potential of your industry and market. This includes factors such as education, age, income and geographic location.
* Emerging technology - Technological changes that are occurring may or may not favor the actions of your enterprise.
* Cultural trends - Cultural changes such as fashion trends and life style trends may or may not support your offering's penetration of the market

The Prospect
It is essential to understand the market segment(s) as defined by the prospect characteristics you have selected as the target for your offering. Factors to consider include:

* The potential for market penetration involves whether you are selling to past customers or a new prospect, how aware the prospects are of what you are offering, competition, growth rate of the industry and demographics.
* The prospect's willingness to pay higher price because your offering provides a better solution to their problem.
* The amount of time it will take the prospect to make a purchase decision is affected by the prospects confidence in your offering, the number and quality of competitive offerings, the number of people involved in the decision, the urgency of the need for your offering and the risk involved in making the purchase decision.
* The prospect's willingness to pay for product value is determined by their knowledge of competitive pricing, their ability to pay and their need for characteristics such as quality, durability, reliability, ease of use, uniformity and dependability.
* Likelihood of adoption by the prospect is based on the criticality of the prospect's need, their attitude about change, the significance of the benefits, barriers that exist to incorporating the offering into daily usage and the credibility of the offering.

The Product/Service
You should be thoroughly familiar with the factors that establish products/services as strong contenders in the marketplace. Factors to consider include:

* Whether some or all of the technology for the offering is proprietary to the enterprise.
* The benefits the prospect will derive from use of the offering.
* The extent to which the offering is differentiated from the competition.
* The extent to which common introduction problems can be avoided such as lack of adherence to industry standards, unavailability of materials, poor quality control, regulatory problems and the inability to explain the benefits of the offering to the prospect.
* The potential for product obsolescence as affected by the enterprise's commitment to product development, the product's proximity to physical limits, the ongoing potential for product improvements, the ability of the enterprise to react to technological change and the likelihood of substitute solutions to the prospect's needs.
* Impact on customer's business as measured by costs of trying out your offering, how quickly the customer can realize a return from their investment in your offering, how disruptive the introduction of your offering is to the customer's operations and the costs to switch to your offering.
* The complexity of your offering as measured by the existence of standard interfaces, difficulty of installation, number of options, requirement for support devices, training and technical support and the requirement for complementary product interface.

The Competition
It is essential to know who the competition is and to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Factors to consider include:

* Each of your competitor's experience, staying power, market position, strength, predictability and freedom to abandon the market must be evaluated.

Your Enterprise
An honest appraisal of the strength of your enterprise is a critical factor in the development of your strategy. Factors to consider include:

* Enterprise capacity to be leader in low-cost production considering cost control infrastructure, cost of materials, economies of scale, management skills, availability of personnel and compatibility of manufacturing resources with offering requirements.
* The enterprise's ability to construct entry barriers to competition such as the creation of high switching costs, gaining substantial benefit from economies of scale, exclusive access to or clogging of distribution channels and the ability to clearly differentiate your offering from the competition.
* The enterprise's ability to sustain its market position is determined by the potential for competitive imitation, resistance to inflation, ability to maintain high prices, the potential for product obsolescence and the 'learning curve' faced by the prospect.
* The prominence of the enterprise.
* The competence of the management team.
* The adequacy of the enterprise's infrastructure in terms of organization, recruiting capabilities, employee benefit programs, customer support facilities and logistical capabilities.
* The freedom of the enterprise to make critical business decisions without undue influence from distributors, suppliers, unions, creditors, investors and other outside influences.
* Freedom from having to deal with legal problems.

A review of the strength and viability of the product/service development program will heavily influence the direction of your strategy. Factors to consider include:

* The strength of the development manager including experience with personnel management, current and new technologies, complex projects and the equipment and tools used by the development personnel.
* Personnel who understand the relevant technologies and are able to perform the tasks necessary to meet the development objectives.
* Adequacy and appropriateness of the development tools and equipment.
* The necessary funding to achieve the development objectives.
* Design specifications that are manageable.

You should review your enterprise's production organization with respect to their ability to cost effectively produce products/services. The following factors are considered:

* The strength of production manager including experience with personnel management, current and new technologies, complex projects and the equipment and tools used by the manufacturing personnel.
* Economies of scale allowing the sharing of operations, sharing of production and the potential for vertical integration.
* Technology and production experience
* The necessary production personnel skill level and/or the enterprise's ability to hire or train qualified personnel.
* The ability of the enterprise to limit suppliers bargaining power.
* The ability of the enterprise to control the quality of raw materials and production.
* Adequate access to raw materials and sub-assembly production.

The marketing and sales organization is analyzed for its strengths and current activities. Factors to consider include:

* Experience of Marketing/Sales manager including contacts in the industry (prospects, distribution channels, media), familiarity with advertising and promotion, personal selling capabilities, general management skills and a history of profit and loss responsibilities.
* The ability to generate good publicity as measured by past successes, contacts in the press, quality of promotional literature and market education capabilities.
* Sales promotion techniques such as trade allowances, special pricing and contests.
* The effectiveness of your distribution channels as measured by history of relations, the extent of channel utilization, financial stability, reputation, access to prospects and familiarity with your offering.
* Advertising capabilities including media relationships, advertising budget, past experience, how easily the offering can be advertised and commitment to advertising.
* Sales capabilities including availability of personnel, quality of personnel, location of sales outlets, ability to generate sales leads, relationship with distributors, ability to demonstrate the benefits of the offering and necessary sales support capabilities.
* The appropriateness of the pricing of your offering as it relates to competition, price sensitivity of the prospect, prospect's familiarity with the offering and the current market life cycle stage.

Customer Services
The strength of the customer service function has a strong influence on long term market success. Factors to consider include:

* Experience of the Customer Service manager in the areas of similar offerings and customers, quality control, technical support, product documentation, sales and marketing.
* The availability of technical support to service your offering after it is purchased.
* One or more factors that causes your customer support to stand out as unique in the eyes of the customer.
* Accessibility of service outlets for the customer.
* The reputation of the enterprise for customer service.

After defining your strategy you must use the information you have gathered to determine whether this strategy will achieve the objective of making your enterprise competitive in the marketplace. Two of the most important assessments are described below.

Cost To Enter Market
This is an analysis of the factors that will influence your costs to achieve significant market penetration. Factors to consider include:

* Your marketing strength.
* Access to low cost materials and effective production.
* The experience of your enterprise.
* The complexity of introduction problems such as lack of adherence to industry standards, unavailability of materials, poor quality control, regulatory problems and the inability to explain the benefits of the offering to the prospect.
* The effectiveness of the enterprise infrastructure in terms of organization, recruiting capabilities, employee benefit programs, customer support facilities and logistical capabilities.
* Distribution effectiveness as measured by history of relations, the extent of channel utilization, financial stability, reputation, access to prospects and familiarity with your offering.
* Technological efforts likely to be successful as measured by the strength of the development organization.
* The availability of adequate operating capital.

Profit Potential
This is an analysis of the factors that could influence the potential for generating and maintaining profits over an extended period. Factors to consider include:

* Potential for competitive retaliation is based on the competitors resources, commitment to the industry, cash position and predictability as well as the status of the market.
* The enterprise's ability to construct entry barriers to competition such as the creation of high switching costs, gaining substantial benefit from economies of scale, exclusive access to or clogging of distribution channels and the ability to clearly differentiate your offering from the competition.
* The intensity of competitive rivalry as measured by the size and number of competitors, limitations on exiting the market, differentiation between offerings and the rapidity of market growth.
* The ability of the enterprise to limit suppliers bargaining power.
* The enterprise's ability to sustain its market position is determined by the potential for competitive imitation, resistance to inflation, ability to maintain high prices, the potential for product obsolescence and the 'learning curve' faced by the prospect.
* The availability of substitute solutions to the prospect's need.
* The prospect's bargaining power as measured by the ease of switching to an alternative, the cost to look at alternatives, the cost of the offering, the differentiation between your offering and the competition and the degree of the prospect's need.
* Market potential for new products considering market growth, prospect's need for your offering, the benefits of the offering, the number of barriers to immediate use, the credibility of the offering and the impact on the customer's daily operations.
* The freedom of the enterprise to make critical business decisions without undue influence from distributors, suppliers, unions, investors and other outside influences.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kerangka Marketing Plan dan Penjelasannya

Dalam rangka mendukung rencana bisnis suatu perusahaan, maka diperlukan rencana fungsional sebagai bentuk penjabaran yang rinci terhadap Strategi Bisnis yang akan dijalankan. Salah satu rencana fungsional yang harus dibuat adalah rencana pemasaran atau marketing plan. Dalam menjalankan perusahaan, marketing plan akan menjadi acuan dalam penyusunan Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Pendapatan (RKAP) tahunan yang berisi rincian aktivitas, anggaran, unit kerja penanggung jawab, dan jadwal penyelesaiannya. Contoh outline dari marketing plan adalah sebagai berikut:

Outline Marketing Plan

1. Ringkasan Eksekutif

2. Deskripsi Singkat Mengenai Perusahaan dan Produk yang dibuat Marketing Plannya

3. Analisis Situasi

a. Analisis lingkungan makro

b. Analisis struktur industri

c. Analisis persaingan

d. Analisis pelanggan

e. Analisis ukuran pasar total dan pertumbuhannya

f. Evaluasi strategi dan program pemasaran yang sudah dijalankan

g. Evaluasi kinerja pemasaran yang telah dicapai

4. Peramalan (Forcasting) Situasi pasar pada masa yang akan datang

a. Asumsi-asumsi peramalan

b. Ramalan ukuran pasar secara kuantitatif

c. Ramalan kondisi pasar secara kuantitatif

5. Sasaran dan tujuan pemasaran

6. Startegi pemasaran

7. Program pemasaran

8. Estimasi Kinerja keuangan (untung-rugi) jika implementasi Strategi dan Program Pemasaran berhasil mencapai Tujuan dan Sasaran

9. Rencana pemantauan dan pengendalian rencana

10. Rencana kontingensi (plan B jika plan A gagal)

Penjelasan masing-masing point di atas:
1. Ringkasan eksekutif :
1-3 halaman berisi hal-hal pokok mengenai analisis situasi, ramalan situasi pasar yang akan datang, tujuan dan sasaran pemasaran yang ingin dicapai, strategi dan program yang akan dijalankan, dan kinerja keuangan yang diharapkan jika strategi dan program berhasil.

2. Deskripsi singkat perusahaan dan produk yang di buat Marketing Plannya :
1-3 halaman berisi nama perusahaan, sejarah pendirian dan kepemilikan, lingkup usaha, ukuran usaha hingga saat ini, nama produk yang dibuat marketing plannya, sejarah produk dan manfaat produk.

3. Analisis situasi eksternal

a. Analisis lingkungan makro : mengidentifikasikan gejala/fenomena yang signifikan (penting dan magnitudenya besar) yang terjadi pada : ekonomi, sosial-budaya masyarakat, politik, regulasi & kebijakan pemerintah, teknologi, demografi & kependudukan, lingkungan alam & fisik, dan faktor lain yang sifatnya tidak dapat dikendalikannya; lalu menganalisis apa penyebab dari munculnya fenomena tersebut, serta apa implikasinya terhadap pasar (struktur suplai dan demand)

b. Analisis struktur industri : menganalisis daya tarik industri dengan memperkirakan kemampuan industri dalam menciptakan laba berdasarkan penilaian terhadap kekuatan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan penciptaan laba di industri (misalnya, dengan menggunakan 5 forces model- Michael Porter :Rivalry antar pesaing, ancaman pendatang baru, posisi tawar menawar supplier, posisi tawar menawar pembeli, dan ancaman produk substitusi)

4.Analisis situasi internal

a. Evaluasi strategi dan program pemasaran yang sudah dijalankan oleh perusahaan : mengindentifikasikan strategi dan program pemasaran yang sudah dijalankan di masa lalu hingga saat ini (termasuk menganalisis struktur biaya pembuatan produk-menghitung harga pokok penjualan); menilai apakah strategi dan program pemasaran yang sudah dijalankan tersebut merupakan strategi atau program yang sudah baik atau tidak baik.

b. Evaluasi kinerja pemasaran yang telah dicapai oleh perusahaan : mengidentifikasi hasil penjualan, kepuasan pelanggan, dan kinerja keuangan yang sudah dicapai hingga saat ini; menilai apakah hasil penjualan, kepuasan pelanggan, dan kinerja keuangan yang sudah dicapai tersebut, dapat dianggap sebagai prestasi yang memuaskan atau belum.

5. Peramalan (forcasting) situasi Pasar pada masa yang akan datang

a. Asumsi-asumsi peramalan : merumuskan asumsi-asumsi yang akan dijadikan patokan dalam membuat peramalan dan perencanaan; disusun berdasarkan hasil dari analisis situasi

b. Ramalan ukuran pasar secara kuantitatif : menghitung ramalan ukuran pasar total dalam 1-5 tahun ke depan

c. Ramalan kondisi pasar secara kuantitatif : menggambarkan kondisi pasar yang akan datang secara kualitatif; mengemukakan hal-hal yang tidak dapat diungkapkan dalam bentuk angka.

6. Sasaran dan tujuan pemasaran yang ingin :dicapai; menyatakan tujuan yang ingin dicapai (misalnya : peningkatan market share, peningkatan penjualan, peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan, peningkatan image, peningkatan profit); mendetailkan tujuan dalam pernyataan sasaran yang spesifik, terukur, dapat dicapai, realistis, dan ada jangka waktu/target waktu pencapaiannya; menyatakan juga tujuan dari program (harga, promosi , distribusi, produk, dan pelayanan)

7. Strategi pemasaran: menyatakan cara melakukan segmentasi pasar, memilih segmen pasar yang akan dituju, dan menentukan positioning dari produk yang akan dipasarkan, agar tujuan dan sasaran pemasaran yang diinginkan dapat tercapai.

8. Program pemasaran: menyusun rencana diferensiasi produk, rencana konsep produk, rencana pengembangan produk, rencana merek, rencana pengelolaan lini produk, rencana penetapan harga, rencana promosi, rencana desain saluran distribusi, rencana pengelolaan saluran distribusi, rencana penjualan dan rencana memasuki pasar pada pertama kali (entri strategy); seluruh rencana tersebut juga dilengkapi dengan penjadwalannya; merumuskan seluruh program pemasaran harus konsisten dengan tujuan, sasaran, dan strategi pemasaran yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya.

9. Estimasi kinerja keuangan (untung rugi) jika Implementasi Strategi dan program pemasaran berhasil mencapai tujuan dan sasaran: menghitung ramalan untuk rugi jika strategi dan program pemasaran berhasil dijalankan dengan sukses.

10. Rencana pemantauan dan pengendalian rencana: menyatakan bagaimana rencana pemantauan dan pengendalian akan dilakukan; menyatakan langkah-langkah apa yang akan ditempuh agar rencana dan implementasinya dapat dipertahankan

Monday, October 18, 2010

Marketing Plan Outline

I. Executive Summary

A high-level summary of the marketing plan.

II. The Challenge

Brief description of product to be marketed and associated goals, such as sales figures and strategic goals.

III. Situation Analysis

Company Analysis

  • Goals
  • Focus
  • Culture
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Market share

Customer Analysis

  • Number
  • Type
  • Value drivers
  • Decision process
  • Concentration of customer base for particular products

Competitor Analysis

  • Market position
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Market shares


  • Subsidiaries, joint ventures, and distributors, etc.


Macro-environmental PEST analysis :

  • Political and legal environment
  • Economic environment
  • Social and cultural environment
  • Technological environment

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of the business environment can be performed by organizing the environmental factors as follows:

  • The firm's internal attributes can be classed as strengths and weaknesses.
  • The external environment presents opportunities and threats.

IV. Market Segmentation

Present a description of the market segmentation as follows:

Segment 1

  • Description
  • Percent of sales
  • What they want
  • How they use product
  • Support requirements
  • How to reach them
  • Price sensitivity

Segment 2


V. Alternative Marketing Strategies

List and discuss the alternatives that were considered before arriving at the recommended strategy. Alternatives might include discontinuing a product, re-branding, positioning as a premium or value product, etc.

VI. Selected Marketing Strategy

Discuss why the strategy was selected, then the marketing mix decisions (4 P's) of product, price, place (distribution), and promotion.


The product decisions should consider the product's advantages and how they will be leveraged. Product decisions should include:

  • Brand name
  • Quality
  • Scope of product line
  • Warranty
  • Packaging


Discuss pricing strategy, expected volume, and decisions for the following pricing variables:

  • List price
  • Discounts
  • Bundling
  • Payment terms and financing options
  • Leasing options

Distribution (Place)

Decision variables include:

  • Distribution channels, such as direct, retail, distributors & intermediates
  • Motivating the channel - for example, distributor margins
  • Criteria for evaluating distributors
  • Locations
  • Logistics, including transportation, warehousing, and order fulfillment


  • Advertising, including how much and which media.
  • Public relations
  • Promotional programs
  • Budget; determine break-even point for any additional spending
  • Projected results of the promotional programs

VII. Short & Long-Term Projections

The selected strategy's immediate effects, expected long-term results, and any special actions required to achieve them. This section may include forecasts of revenues and expenses as well as the results of a break-even analysis.

VIII. Conclusion

Summarize all of the above.



Calculations of market size, commissions, profit margins, break-even analyses, etc.

Recommended Reading

Bangs, Jr., David H. The Market Planning Guide: Creating a Plan to Successfully Market Your Business, Products, or Service

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Format Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan memuat hal-hal sebagai berikut :

1. Analisa situasi (S.W.O.T)

S : Strength / Kekuatan

W : Weakness / Kelemahan

O : Opportunity / Peluang

T : Threat / Ancaman

Pebisnis harus menganalisa keadaan intern dan ekstern perusahaannya. Keadaan intern meliputi gambaran terakhir serta analisis jumlah yang diperoleh. Melakukan analisa sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya lainnya.

Keadaan ekstern yang perlu diperhatikan adalah keadaan makro yang berhubungan dengan kepentingan perusahaan. Analisis makro ini meliputi keadaan politik, ekonomi,sosial, budaya. Analisis intern dan ekstern tersebut dilengkapi lagi dengan analisis S.W.O.T

2. Tujuan Pemasaran (Marketing Objectives)

Tujuan pemasaran perusahaan beraneka ragam sesuai dengan kepentingan perusahaan masing � masing. Sebagai contoh dapat dikemukakan tujuan pemasaran, mempertahankan posisi perusahaan sebagai market leader, atau memperluas penguasaan market.

3. Strategi Inti (Core Strategy)

Merupakan alternatif strategi yang terpilih dalam decision making. Untuk menghasilkan strategi inti ini dibutuhkan pemikiran mendalam didukung oleh data dan fakta sehingga dapat dirumuskan secara tajam

4. Jadwal Pelaksanaan (Action Plan)

Action plan lebih banyak muatannya, sebab disini dielaborasi lebih rinci. Jika strategi inti yang ingin dilaksanakan berupa pengembangan produk, maka harus dijabarkan model, bahan, mutu, kemasan, dsb

Action plan harus dapat menjawab beberapa pertanyaan :

- What, apa tugas yang harus dilakukan?

- Who, siapa orang yang harus bertugas dan bertanggung jawab?

- When, kapan pekerjaan harus dilaksanakan dan harus selesai?

- Where, jika diperlukan dimana percobaan pasar akan dilakukan?

- How, bagaimana cara melaksanakan tugas tersebut?

5. Anggaran Pemasaran (Marketing Budget)

Didalam marketing budget dengan jelas harus dinyatakan besar biaya yang diperlukan, jenis kegiatan pemasaran untuk berbagai teknikpromosi, melakukan riset pemasaran, dsb

6. Pengawasan (Control)

Untuk semua implementasi marketing plan harus dilakukan pengawasan. Pengawasan dilakukan dengan membaca dan mempelajari laporan tertulis dari pelaksana ataupun hasil observasi. Jika terjadi penyimpangan atau kendala dalam pelaksanaan, maka harus segera diambil tindakan perbaikan

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Marketing Plan Versus Marketing Strategy

Running a successful business is not like a field of dreams; you can build it but they might not come. Marketing is all about leting people know about the product or service you offer, and persuading them to buy or use it. And for effective marketing you have to let people know about your product or service repeatedly.

To do this, you're going to have to come up with both a marketing strategy and a marketing plan.

What's the difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan?

The marketing strategy is shaped by your overall business goals. It includes a definition of your business, a description of your products or services, a profile of your target users or clients, and defines your company's role in relationship to the competition. The marketing strategy is essentially a document that you use to judge the appropriateness and effectiveness of your specific marketing plans. The CCH Business Owner's Guidebook has an excellent explanation and checklist that you can use to work through your marketing strategy.

To put it another way, your marketing strategy is a summary of your company's products and position in relation to the competition; your sales and marketing plans are the specific actions you're going to undertake to achieve the goals of your marketing strategy.

The marketing plan, then, can be thought of as the practical application of your marketing strategy. If you look at my article, "Writing The Marketing Plan", you'll see that the marketing plan includes details about your business' unique selling proposition, pricing strategy, the sales and distribution plan and your plans for advertising and promotions.

So in effect, you can't have a marketing plan without a marketing strategy. But a marketing plan without a marketing strategy is a waste of time. The marketing strategy provides the goals for your marketing plans. It tells you where you want to go from here. The marketing plan is the specific roadmap that's going to get you there.

Continue on to the next page to learn how to start developing a marketing plan to put your marketing strategy into action.


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