Self-confidence is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust their own ab…
Read moreSelf-confidence is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust their own ab…
Read moreRunning a successful business is not like a field of dreams; you can build it but they might not come. Marketing is all about leting people know about the product or ser…
Read moreIn the last few years, the concept of the business model has become popular. New types of businesses, often created using the internet, have needed new models. When desi…
Read moreMany people these days are looking for ways to "make money on the Internet". These are not people looking to take their bricks-and-mortar business online to ex…
Read more"There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity." - Douglas MacArthur. Apa jadinya bila kita takut mengambil risiko dalam hidup ini? Segala yang kita lak…
Read moreMenulis Sales letter (surat penawaran penjualan/copywriting) merupakan pekerjaan yang sulit bagi kebanyakan orang. Setiap orang yang berniat menulis lamaran, artikel, te…
Read moreIndonesia kering wirausahawan (entrepreneur). Padahal para wirausahawan inilah yang menjadi fasilitator bagi kemajuan ekonomi sebuah negara. Menurut Pak Ci (Ciputra, cha…
Read moreUntuk menjadi sukses dalam kehidupan (sukses dalam pekerjaan, karir, bisnis, dan keluarga), kita perlu memiliki suatu karakter tertentu, juga perlu memiliki cara berpiki…
Read moreI am often asked if I have found a secret � or at least a consistent answer � to successfully building businesses over my career. So I�ve spent some time thinking about …
Read more"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. - Memaafkan sama dengan membebaskan seorang tahanan dan mendapati bahwa tahanan terseb…
Read moreOleh : Ade Asep Syarifuddin UNTUK menjadi pribadi yang sukses, menyenangkan, pandai bergaul dibutuhkan rasa percaya diri yang tinggi. Kadang kita terkagum-kagum melihat …
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